Letter to our Post 71 members from the Post Executive Committee
As you know during this time of the Pandemic crisis the Executive Committee has taken over leadership of the post until we can all meet again (soon I hope).
The Executive Committee is making every effort to keep the Post expenses to a minimum and find ways we can increase revenue for the post to cover the expenses that are fixed cost. We have a strong team and everyone is focused on keeping Post 71 alive and healthy. Some of the things we as members can do are renew our Legion membership, make sure all current email addresses are updated so we can send everyone newsletters by email and not the postal service (cost) and lastly and most important – stay safe and healthy.
Until we can meet again – stay together as we go through this pandemic – stay strong.
For God and Country,
Jerry Hill
Commander Post 71
We as Legionnaires know that there are many that need help especially during these tough times and we are willing to help whenever & wherever we can.
This reminds me of a saying from Winston Churchill: “We make a living by what we
get, but we make a life by what we give.”
Mac McCorkle
1st Vice Commander Post 71
This United States of America has never backed out to any challenge ever before. For a country that has infected the world with a biological attack, we as a whole free nation will come out standing tall and be stronger than we have ever been.
As for us veterans, we will defend our country until the world would not exist any longer.
Respectfully yours,
Sal Pilo
2nd Vice Commander Post 71
It is an honor serving Post 71 as financial officer. I wish things were different and we could meet regularly and in person to get better acquainted. Fortunately our collective pasts have prepared us to prevail over challenges and I know we will come through these times. We must remember the lessons we learned from boot camp up through receipt of our DD 214. Stay strong, stay positive, watch out for each other, and reach out when you need something.
Jeff Marcum
Financial Officer Post 71
Let us not be cowed by the pandemic. Let us come out of our houses. Let us have fun, help other vets and enjoy some comradeship. Let us continue to work as a team!!!
Of course we need to observe social distancing, wear masks, and observe the numbers (10 people indoors and 25 outdoors), but things can and will be done!
The Chicken Pit on Wednesday. Some members wear masks, some social distance and some do both. Have a drink and talk with your friends.
Hull’s Landing was an example of helping Vets. Members observed all the precautions and served a buffet lunch.
The Buddy Program is in full swing. Make your calls or ask for names to call. For those of you who are extremely vulnerable, you can still participate. For the following events, you can show up, but remain in your car.
Food Fair and Fundraiser. 12 September. Drive up, order a dog and a soda, eat it in your car or take it home. This is your chance to get out of the house.
October Flag retirement. 15 October. This promises to be a big event. We will have 25 chairs for those who want to sit out and parking for those that want to watch from their cars. Boy Scouts, Honor Guard, bugler, ceremony, hot dogs and more.
Watch. We will do more!
Paul Papineau
Adjutant Post 71
In the face of an overwhelming tidal wave of bad news, fear-mongering, and finger-pointing, what we need most right now are daily reminders of our better human selves, so that each of us can rise to this challenge. When so many of us are facing fear and physical isolation, it is essential that we find ways to connect with others and share our collective knowledge of solutions. We must remind ourselves that we’re part of a greater community and that our greater purpose is to emerge from this crisis with the tools to build a better world.
For God and Country,
Terry Stanberry
Chaplain Post 71
We should not fear this pandemic but face it as a challenge to overcome difficult times with fortitude, imagination and brotherhood. Alone, it can be overwhelming. But standing together, we are invincible.
Vin Czepiel
Sgt.-at-Arms & Webmaster Post 71
My fellow members of Leonard Moore Post 71, as you are aware we are involved in what is being classified as a pandemic which has caused a myriad of changes in our everyday lives as well as the entire world. We have faced difficult times in the past and with the guidance and help of our heavenly father, we will overcome this current situation with a renewed strength.
I have been a member of Post 71 for a number of years and with a sense of pride and pleasure to be associated with such an outstanding group of veterans. With a feeling of profound confidence, we will overcome this current situation with God’s help and guidance.
We will soon be able to stand together once again in fellowship. Stand together as we salute our flag and bow in prayer.
Larry Tice
Sgt-at-Arms Post 71
I’d like to communicate to you all, I have enjoyed my last 19+ months as an active Legion member. I am at your service as Post 71 Service Officer, Building & Grounds Chairman, and Post Scholarship Committee. I have HUGE shoes to fill. I must admit, I am going thru a big learning curve of pomp and circumstance – and I like it – and I’m surrounded by members that help me learn everyday. I am humbled.
“I like things to happen, and if they don’t happen I like to make them happen.” — Winston Churchill
Jim Braxton
Service Officer & Building and Grounds Chairman Post 71
The American Legion has been involved with our veterans, widows and children for over 100 years. There have been hard times in the past and together we have continued the mission. Belonging to the American Legion was and is not about us. Belonging is about serving others, veterans, widows and all children.
What we are all going through is something totally different than anything we have experienced before. Together we will get through this and soon we will again have the life we had before.
For God and Country,
Dick Neville
Historian Post 71